Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Siem Reap final pictures

Biked past slums with kids fishing in the filthy river. The smell and sight awful. Explored a temple area with far less restoration than the day prior, made offering for safe decent of frighteningly steep, narrow stone steps, amazed to find ourselves alone at one site not more than a mile off the standard temple loop, the lonely bike shot. While the temples are amazing, enough of Siem Reap. Siagon is crazy, motorbike madness,
more to come


  1. Hi mom it's Mia!
    We have been looking at the blog a lot lately and there are some pretty cool pictures!
    But there are also some pictures of you that are kind of embarrassing because it looks like that in one of the pictures you have some shorts on that look like grandma shorts on you!
    And i was wondering about that head band that you have been wearing also looks a little dorky on you!

  2. I'm with Mia. It's dorky. But dorky is allowed when travelling overseas.

  3. geez you guys, I am on the other side of the work, let me be a dork! I do agree on the shorts however....looser.
